Sea Merchants
wild catch
Gadus morhua

Cod is popular as a seafood with a mild flavour and a dense, flaky white flesh. It is available fresh or frozen, loins, fillets or tails, skin patch, MSC certified.
Gadus morhua

Haddock flesh is clean and white, firm and translucent and hold together well, its cooking is often similar to that of Cod. It is available fresh or frozen, loins, fillets or tails, skin patch, MSC certified.
Limanda aspera

Sole has a firm, delicate texture with small flakes and when cooked a mild, sweet flavour. It is available fresh or frozen, skinless, boneless fillets, skin patch, MSC certified.

Pollock flesh is firm and white and has a sweet, delicate flavour, low in saturated fat and an excellent source of protein and vitamin B12. It is available fresh or frozen, skinless, boneless fillets, skin patch, MSC certified.